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August Numerology Forecast

The month of August is a time where we will experience an intensified electrical energy on the planet. Sparks will be flying; and if it can shake, rattle, or roll, it will in August! The number 8 represents the themes of power, energy, healing, the breath, and our ability to move past any fears that may be holding us back. There is great opportunity for change and transformation now, and we can leverage this to our best advantage with the right tools and information.

Step number one, connect with your breath in a new and proactive way. Number 8 is the Pranic Body in the Yogic science, so now is the time to reconnect and invigorate yourself through the breath. Practicing something as simple as alternate nostril breathing for 5 minutes in the morning will give a loft and balance to your day. You will be less reactive, and less affected by the intensity of other people’s emotions. “Other people’s emotions.” Hmm, let’s explore that a bit further.

We have the crosswinds of double 14/5’s at play now, in both the Heart and Asset calculations. (Heart is month of 8 + Gift of 6 = 14 = 5. Asset is Gift of 6 + year of 8 = 14 = 5). We look at both the numbers 14 and 5 in our interpretation, as they both have a significant story to tell. Let’s start with the easy part. Number 5 in the Heart is adventurous, bold, communicative, and has a free- spirited zest for life. Yes, we enjoy these things! Now is a good time to learn how to surf, enroll in an online class that will broaden your horizons, or start a series of physical training classes such as Tai Chi, pilates, or Aikido. Number 5 represents the physical body, and our ability to feel comfortable, strong, and balanced.

Now, because of the appearance of double 14’s this month, we have a bit of a ghost in the machine. Number 14 represents disruption, and since 5 represents the Earth Element, and number 6 is the Fire Element, and 8 is the Air Element, yes, you guessed it. Earth, Wind and Fire will be kicking up its heels. Events like hurricanes, heat waves, tornadoes, and earthquakes are all in the forecast. Keep your wits about you in your travel plans for August, as this may not be the best time for an excursion exploring the Amazon jungle.

Number 14 adds an element of the unexpected, and I actually knew someone who brazenly went exploring the Amazon jungle, solo-commando style. Captain Cavalier got bit by a strange insect, and afterwards was never quite the same gusty and strong-as-steel fellow I once knew. Discretion is the better part of valor.

Looking back to the high note of the double 5’s, we can make real progress in our relationships if we are flexible, creative, and are able to listen as well as we are able to speak!

This is a tough one for some people, and a helpful technique in communication is to write down the top three things you want to get across to someone, and let them read it beforehand. Keep it brief, and in a simple language. Nobody likes being handed a grocery list of “Wishful thinking self-improvements for you.” Particularly men, so listen-up ladies!

Having something on paper is meant to be both a grounding wire for the conversation, as well as give a sense of containment to your expectations. If you can achieve one of the items on your list you’re doing really well, and if you can achieve two you’ve won the lottery.

Understand that there will be a section of the population that does not want to negotiate, and this is where you need to steer clear of confrontation. No matter how much you may put yourself in Care Bear mode, another human being might not have the capacity to work with you. My all- time favorite quote of the Tibetans is, “The best armor is to stay out of range.”

If you would like to experience adventure, all within the safety and security of your own home, and in range of ample supplies from your own refrigerator, watch the 2016 film, “The Lost City of Z.” It is the true story of British explorer Percy Fawcett, who is commissioned by the Royal Geographical Society in London to find a lost civilization in the Amazon. This film is so well done that you actually feel as if you’re on the river navigating the elements. It is also a tutorial on determining boundaries, deciding who you want on your team, and who you don’t. You won’t forget it.

Since we seem to have all these high stakes issues at hand, let’s take a look at how to empower ourselves with the added octane needed to successfully traverse our own emotional landscape. One of your best bets for August is to practice the “Caliber for Self-Authority” meditation. Link:

It works directly with the breath to instill in you the pranic force necessary to hold your own ground and rise above being bullied or overly influenced by others. That’s real power. You’re the captain of your own ship, and no one’s hijacking you down the wrong river.

Real power is reflected in your abundance. If you have an abundance of energy, humor, good will towards others and a generous attitude, then you are powerful. Power is not what you can scare, it’s what you can spare.

Reset yourself this month, get your house in order, and balance your physical body through a supportive routine. It is usually not the strongest person who wins the obstacle course race, it’s the quickest and most agile competitor who has the most endurance. Keynote word to traversing the times: endurance. This is more than just physical; it is mental, emotional, and spiritual. Number 5 represents endurance, as well as having the depth of character to sacrifice personal convenience for the greater good. A parent may sacrifice buying themselves a new flat screen TV, so the kids can have an inflatable pool in the backyard and splash around for the summer. Then everyone will likely be happier.

Sneak Preview: 2025 contains the number 5 in the year, so establishing now the balance, grace, and stability of your physical body will go a long way towards giving you an edge in the New Year. It’s just over the horizon.

Keeping the peace is part and parcel to enjoying our own lives and having a safe space to exist. We have six power-point transit dates this month, and they are the following; the 6th, 8th, 15th, 17th, 24th, and 26th. Things will intensify on these dates, so pack your personal calendar very lightly. If you can spend time in a group meditation or chanting, that would be perfect.

Number 6 is the power of prayer, and our projective psyche. Six is the Gift number for this year (last two digits of year, 2 + 4 = 6), and by uniting in community, congregation, and family we have the best support system for keeping our spirits up. We might not be able to fix everything in the world, but we can unite to send a healing wave of love, kindness, and support to distressed areas.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and in a united projective psyche we can shift what otherwise may seem immoveable. Faith moves mountains, so let the higher realms do the heavy lifting. May the Divine guide and protect you, and may you connect with your Angel of choice, uniting in spirit as you ascend the enlightened path homeward. Affirm for yourself, “All is good in my heart and home, and may you be blessed as well.”

Would you like to know more?

Contact: Nam Hari 575-305-0017 or [email protected]