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Places to Live

The Ashram itself is located in a non-incorporated part of the City of Española called Sombrillo, located 20 miles North of Santa Fe. This is primarily a residential area. With the expansion of the Ashram, many Sangat members are living in other regions around Española such as La Mesilla, Arroyo Seco, and La Puebla. All of these areas are 2 to 5 miles from Sombrillo.

The best resources for finding housing in the Española area are:

  • Ashram classified ads - Comes out on Fridays. Subscribe to the ashram e-bulletin and you will receive the classifieds as well. Send ads to [email protected].
  • Rio Grande Sun - New ads/issues are posted on the web on Thursdays: Rents vary widely. Be sure to ask if a washer/dryer or hook-ups for same are available, if you are expecting in-home convenience. Also ask about A/C (known here as swamp or evaporative coolers) and whether pets are allowed.
  • Local Real Estate Agents

Also, a few members of our community offer apartment or housing rentals services as listed below:

Contact Description

House for Sale - Guru Ram Das Puri. Espanola, New Mexico

House for Sale at Guru Ram Das Puri - 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, 1260 sq. ft. - $50,000. Serious inquiries only.  Download flyer >

Private Rentals:

Tera Kaur
[email protected]

Private Casita - studio apartment - full kitchen & bathroom.  Living room/bedroom, Queen bed, spacious,  Internet , 4 minute walking distance to ashram/classroom.
Private Room - Just remodeled. Queen bed. Internet.  Quiet, cozy,  4 minute walk to ashram/classrooms. 

Sat Nam Singh

One bedroom casita
3-5 minute walk from ashram.  Queen bed, full kitchen and bath, living room.  Quiet, protected, wooded property down private drive; no thru traffic.  Long or short term rental as needed.
Paramatma Singh
[email protected]
Santa Fe Getaway

Amrit Nivas, Inn of Nectar and Kokopelli Suite
Most of our rentals have lots of amenities including full kitchens, hot tubs, fireplaces, satellite TV, washer/dryers, dishwashers, and Internet hookups.


Rentals for Courses:

Nirbhe Kaur or Amrit Singh
LYF Foundation: Nanak Nivas

Local Real Estate Agent:

Keller Williams Real Estate
Fateh Kaur, Associate Broker

*Sikh Dharma of New Mexico does not officially endorse any of the businesses listed above.