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Gurdwara & Sadhana

Morning Sadhana

Online Sadhana Link - (morning Japji, yoga, chanting and morning Gurdwara)
Livestream Link

Also, available on the Sikhnet website radio or on your cell phone with the app,
GurbaniMC under "Live Gurdwaras" and select "Hacienda de Guru Ram Das."


Sadhana (spiritual practice) is held each morning in the amrit vela (early morning between 3:00 am and 6:00 am) at Siri Singhasan e Khalsa Gurdwara, “The Great Throne of the Khalsa.”

3:40-4:00am - Recitation of Japji Sahib (Sikh prayer)
4:00-4:45 am - Kundalini yoga
4:45-6:00 am - Chanting of the Aquarian Sadhana Mantras
6:00-7:00 am - Gurdwara Services

We encourage everyone to stay for morning Gurdwara.

(Please be mindful when attending morning sadhana by keeping your head covered and not wearing strong perfume or scents.)

"Getting up in the morning for sadhana is totally a selfish act -- for personal strength, for personal intuition, for  personal sharpness, for personal discipline, and over and all, for personal  absolute prosperity." Yogi Bhajan

Evening Meditation

5:00 pm: Rehiras Sahib
5:30 pm: Chanting

Live link >

Sunday Gurdwara and Guru ka Langar

Gurdwara means "Door to the Guru." It is the sacred place of worship for Sikhs, who welcome people of all faiths, backgrounds, and traditions. We are blessed to hold Gurdwara every Sunday at Siri Singhasan e Khalsa. You can watch a video that explains the protocol for our Gurdwara here >

To uphold a sacred atmosphere, guests are invited to observe the following guidelines:

What should a guest do when entering the Gurdwara?

  • Please remove shoes before entering and cover the entire top of the head. The Gurdwara has head coverings available if needed.
  • Hands and feet may be washed (optional).
  • Out of goodwill, guests may also bow before the Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sacred Scriptures), and offer a donation. $1-$5 is a customary donation which helps cover Gurdwara costs.

Where should guests sit?

  • Please sit on the floor facing the front of the Gurdwara, without pointing your feet toward the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. A chair will be provided if needed.
  • Generally, men sit on the left and women sit on the right.

What kind of dress is appropriate?

  • Please cover the head with a hat, scarf, or veil which fully covers the top of the head. The Gurdwara has head coverings available if needed.
  • Loose-fitting pants and a top or a modest dress are appropriate dress for women. Having legs covered allows women to bow and sit cross-legged comfortably and modestly.

Other Gurdwara Guidelines

  • Please refrain from bringing snacks or drinks (other than water) into the Gurdwara.
  • Please refrain from unnecessary conversation in the Gurdwara.
  • Please keep Shabd song sheets, and booklets containing the Sacred Writings, off the floor as a sign of respect.
  • During the closing portion of the service, the congregation stands for the Sikh prayer, called Ardas.


Services begin at 10:00 am, followed by Guru ka Langar (Guru’s free kitchen) at 1:00 pm. The services include Gurbani Kirtan, a children's program and a taped lecture of Yogi Bhajan. We frequently have  guests from all parts of the globe coming to our Gurdwara to receive the  blessings of the Guru and the sadh sangat.

Ishnaan Seva

Ishnaan means "bathing" or "cleaning," and Ishnaan Seva is the special seva of cleaning the Gurdwara that happens every Sunday morning at 6:30 am. We begin with an Ardas and then do Sukhasan.  After that, with Asa Di Vaar   playing over the sound system, the entire Gurdwara is emptied and stored in the   Guru’s closet and the foyer. Water is then poured over the entire floor of the Gurdwara, and all of the marble is washed by hand. To see the bare marble floor of the Gurdwara is such a purifying and pristine sight,   especially after is has been just washed. Then everything is brought back in and the entire Gurdwara is restored piece by piece. Depending on how many Sevadars show up, the whole process takes from 1½ to 3 hours. Yogi Bhajan had said that washing the marble, is the same as washing the skin of Guru Gobind Singh.  He credits the four and half years of his seva at the Harimandir Sahib to his own spiritual transformation.

Siri Akhand Path

The Siri Akhand Path (aka Akhand Path) begins every  Wednesday morning at 6:00 a.m. at Gurdwara Siri Singhasan e Khalsa (unless another  location is announced) and concludes each Saturday morning at 6:00 a.m. with  the Bhog ceremony. The Bhog is truly a cozy time to uplift the spirit and then  relax with friends and family afterwards. Read more  about the Siri Akhand Path.

Gurdwara Honoring the Akal Takht

We hold Gurdwara on the sixth of  every month to honor the June 6, 1984 martyrdom of the Siri Akal Takht. This Gurdwara starts at 5:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted) at Siri Singhasan e Khalsa and is followed by a “Wish and Dish” langar. This means each person prepares a dish filled with their prayers and wishes to share with the sangat and it is blessed during the Gurdwara services.


Gurupurabs are a Sikh tradition to commemorate the anniversary of an important event in the lives of one of the Sikh Gurus or in Sikh history. The ashram hosts annual celebrations for Guru Ram Das' Birthday, Baisakhi and Guru Gadee Day.