The month of March 2025 is a powerfully creative time, and we can catch a new wave of momentum if we carry ourselves in a posture of measured enthusiasm. Number 3 is the Positive Mind, and it is the storehouse of our dearest wishes and desires. We collectively want something bold, new, and brilliant at this time, because the mincing trepidation of the beginning weeks of the year is now getting a bit old.
Community Articles

A few days ago, I heard someone say, "Well, I’m doing the best I can." I guess that they thought that I should feel good for them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that this way of thinking works works. It removes guilt. After all, this speaker has done all that they could do so nobody should expect anything more, including themselves. This is where the problem lies. Please, let me explain.

What is my purpose? Why am I still here? I thought I was retired and yet, I find myself called to one last very important task. I am searching for a student—or perhaps a group of students like a Panj, (five individuals) who are trending heavily toward truthful leadership. Allow me to explain what I seek.
The Qualities of Leadership
Let me begin by stating that the qualities I speak of herein are not ALL the qualities of leadership in this dharma and communities. This is just the beginning of the service and devotion held as a basic standard of who we are.

The month of January 2025 starts off with a spark in its heels and a spring in its step. There is an enhanced ability to dream and envision a new pathway forward, and we must catch this new wave of inspiration and use it to align ourselves with a higher calling.
The overall number for 2025 is a 9, and in the positive polarity, 9 is focused, clear, refined, and has a laser-like ability to read between the lines and pick up on the subtle cues and signals.

When God wants to bless His beloved student with perpetual devotion, He bathes him in a "pool of truth." It is in truth that God’s love and the student’s devotion resides along side one another. They are complimentary to one another. And, it’s best to remember that you can’t fool Mother Nature. God’s love is bestowed on His beloved student is in direct proportion to the real devotion displayed in and by the student. And, God’s the only judge. The student’s opinion means nothing unless it’s to love God more. God’s love is an Infinite mirror.

Where has the year gone, so swiftly and so dramatically? Shifts in the power structure are on the horizon, and we need to individually set our house in order. The number 8 of this year represents the themes of the Air Element, energy, control, individual and collective power, and most importantly, healing.

Our memory reflects the inherent polarity of God’s creation we call Earth. It can be your ally or your adversary, depending on how you engage with it. Allow me to share some reflections.
The Categorizing Memory -Throughout our lives, we encounter a multitude of experiences, from the unforgettable to the trivial. The memory, acting as our internal librarian, sorts these experiences into categories—ranging from the "never forget" moments to

The field is changing beneath our feet, and we are now stepping into a bold new dynamic on planet Earth. The United States 2024 election is a tipping point for the direction of many new avenues of energy that will be unfolding across the world. Some good, some not so good. It will be upon us individually and collectively to chart a course that will yield the best possible pathway to security and stability, in an entirely unstable world.
True happiness arises from recognizing that all things originate from God and ultimately return to God. When we remember this, our smile becomes genuine—a reflection of surrender and service to the Creator of all. This is an inner smile, a perpetual happiness that sustains us through all circumstances.