The month of March 2025 is a powerfully creative time, and we can catch a new wave of momentum if we carry ourselves in a posture of measured enthusiasm. Number 3 is the Positive Mind, and it is the storehouse of our dearest wishes and desires. We collectively want something bold, new, and brilliant at this time, because the mincing trepidation of the beginning weeks of the year is now getting a bit old.
The number 3 represents the themes of creativity, vision, nurturing and social energy, food, and self-care. Being really, really good to yourself now is a top priority, as it is time to fill the emotional reservoirs within our own psyche.
Heads up: You cannot go through this year drained and depleted by your own bad habits, or by other people. Own up and tighten up your boundaries of self-awareness, and notice where the vulnerabilities are. If you can get this now, and eliminate the energetic leaks, you can have a smooth and successful path ahead. Otherwise, there are too many goat heads out there.
What!s a "goat head,” you might ask? It is the spiky flowering head of the puncture vine plant, and it grows largely in the western United States. It is barely visible to the human eye when looking at it on the ground, but if you are barefoot and step on it, ouch! I have literally seen a person fall over after stepping on the prickly spikes of a goat head weed.
The overall number for 2025 is a 9, and number 9 has to do with the mysterious and unseen realms of this world.
A powerful antidote to anything potentially negative that is beyond our immediate scope of awareness is the: Ad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh mantra. It grants protection on all four sides of your being, and many people chant it once through before driving in their car.
The number 3 represents food, and now is an excellent time to check-in with your eating habits. Having a healthy balance of green foods will help the liver to cleanse, so enjoy your organic green salad with arugula, parsley, cilantro, avocado, and Green Goddess dressing. Celery juice with added apple and carrot is a great health builder.
We have an additional number 3 in the Base calculation (Base is month of 3 + year of 9 =12 =3). However, it is by way of Significant Number 12, and 12 is the archetype of the Good Shepard, as well as signifying collective tribal gatherings. This is the month to get yourself to the spiritual retreat, meditation immersion, tai chi intensive, or whatever it is that lights up your world. We need a social re-boot at this time, and there is a strong longing within humanity to get back to the good stuff of experiencing life. We may not be able to change the headline news, but we can generate a frequency of intention that holds a healthier space for all.
Momentum is a powerful thing in the world, and sometimes a small emotional reaction can turn into an avalanche if we don’t do something to stop it. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are all the Fire Element, and we have double 3!s at play this month, along with the overall number for the year being a 9.
When the Fire Element goes negative it is angry and enraged, often having little concern for what it burns in its fiery path. Nearly everyone is going to cross a dry tinder zone in their own mind where they feel an ascending anger that can potentially turn into rage. This can be harmful to your health, as well as those around you. You need to catch yourself at the sparking moment, before the negativity catches fire and goes wild. If you feel the emotional embers stirring, one of your best bets is to get a glass of water, find a quiet place to sit, and slowly begin sipping the water. Yes, slowly, as this also helps to shift the breath pattern. Then, step two, block off your right nostril and slowly begin breathing long, slow and deep through the left nostril. If you can do this for five minutes you will significantly decompress yourself from a potential blowout. And blowouts will abound, so learn to see the smoke before it turns into flames.
Remember your protective mantra from earlier in the forecast, and know when to change gears and remove yourself from a physical location. You have this power, and do not imagine that you don’t. There are moments when no explanations are necessary, you just change tracks and head on down the line.
Now that we have our mobility issues sorted out, let’s look at a few helpful healing tips.
Bach Flower Essences are brilliant for emotional healing and balance. The essence of walnut is said to help you to adapt to change and let go of the past. White chestnut is for calming the mind and helps to relieve excessive thinking. Olive is said to restore energy after an exhaustive illness or emotional episode in life. Let the plant kingdom help to restore your equilibrium. Adding mint tea to your drinking water is cooling and calming, so keep a jar of concentrated mint tea in the fridge so it!s always on hand.
A great way to immediately shift your energy is the cold water foot rinse. Just sit on the edge of your bathtub and turn on the cold water full blast. Move your feet under the rushing water and breathe deep. This helps to energise the meridians at the bottom of the feet. If you want to go for the gold, find a good foot reflexology place in town and just totally zone-out.
Self-nurturing dear ones, it’s the only way to keep it together. Otherwise you can feel like an emotional beggar at other people's doors, waiting and wondering if the light will turn on. The intensity of the times is challenging us all, and it is not always easy to see the God in all. Sometimes I personally see the Munchkin in all, but I’m working on that.
One of my favorite mottos is: When you have done your best, await the result in peace. Be kind to yourself, keep your humour, and most of all, don!t hurry or pressurise yourself. Allow yourself the breathing room and resting space at this time to heal, relax, and renew your spirit.
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