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Ashram Security

For the saftey of our ashram and sangat members, we have a network of people to handle emergency issues as well as physical security measures in place on the ashram property.

Emergency Contacts

Ashram Secretary
Swaran Kaur - 505-753-6341
[email protected]

Property Management
Mukhia Jethadar, Amrit Singh - 505-927-8047
[email protected]

Ranch House
Guru Simran Kaur
[email protected]

Los Angeles Sangat
Secretariat - 310-552-3416
Sevadar - 310-858-7691

Gurdwara Door Lock Code and Gate Code

If you are a new member at the ashram, please contact the Ashram Secretary listed above to obtain the Gurdwara door lock code and the gate code to the ashram property.