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I’ve Done All That I Can Do!

Sat Nam Dear Community,  

A few days ago, I heard someone say, "Well, I’m doing the best I can." I guess that they thought that I should feel good for them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that this way of thinking works works. It removes guilt. After all, this speaker has done all that they could do so nobody should expect anything more, including themselves. This is where the problem lies. Please, let me explain.

The old expression, "What’s good for the goose may or may not (my edit here) necessarily be good for the gander" applies here. The goose in this case is is the one who believes that he/she has "done all that they can do." The gander is the one who believes that there’s more to do. The goose is done, the gander is still exploring. A good friend of mine onetime reminded me that, ‘anything that sits, stinks.’ I see these wise words all around. Both adages apply. They create our world. 

If the this adage means, "it may not be good for the goose" applies, it’s karma, it’s consciousness, it’s reality, it’s Infinity, it’s totality, and all is still in play. It’s healing, understanding, experiencing, and elevating. Exploration is the beginning of the search for relevance, for self-honor, through devotion and service. 

The adventure of life becomes mute when limits stand in the way. We’re our own worst enemy. We limit ourselves through our self-talk, and then become it’s subject.

When we think that we’ve met our limit, or "I did all that I could do,” part of our goose nature, don’t allow yourself to believe it. Even though you do really believe it, don’t cater to it. Don’t allow yourself the convenience to avoid the issue. After all, some great myriad of lifetimes will be necessary to fix this nature, This continuing thinking allows our limits to continue, to haunt us. May as well fix it now and save yourself  many, man lifetimes of chasing the truth.

We’re in luck. There’s great help available. When a student sincerely wants to overcome limits, faith is the healer, the antidote for irrelevance. Faith can move mountains, otherwise stones are heavier. 

Faith is found in devotion, devotion to a higher source. It doesn’t matter what religion, lifestyle, philosophy, you follow, just do this one thing and you’ll be on the right path. Pray each day that with God’s infinite help, you’ll be under the guidance of the truth no matter where it’s found.

I know that it’s said that there’s no shortcuts to success, especially in spirituality, well, there is a thing called love. Practice loving God more and more as you pray the above prayer and see what happens to you. Be aware and be ready, your life will change into large gulps of kindness. Don’t worry, be happy, sharing love with God is totally different than with loving the world. They’re different realms of existence. Practice skipping directly to loving God and show your love through this prayer. It’s an Infinite prayer, one that’s never used up. Your love for God has no limit. Therefore, your earthly limits have become unchained. 

Doubt leads to complacency, and complacency, leads to laziness, and laziness, leads to thinking "I’ve done all that I can do." For those who’s love has been recognized by God, doubt is removed and all else will fall in line automatically. This is what God can do.

This is the way of a Sikh. Sikhism is recognized as authentic by God, so following the teachings of Sikhi is a true way. It’s a way of devotion, a way of triumph though humility and honor, it’s a way built on love. And It’s a way through love’s children: compassion. understanding, kindness, tolerance, patience, and forgiveness. A way that never ends, so it’s available to ALL. Like a song that I grew with says, “Oh come along with me to my little corner of the world. Project a little dream, in my little corner of the world. You'll soon forget there's any other place. if you'd care to stay in my little corner of the world…”

Life can be relevant, reverent, and restful. It takes a little work. In other words, love and serve that which you want to be. Serve and love what God commands is His elixir to His will. Sure there are variables, but loving and serving God’s will is the highest service. What God you served doesn’t matter. The highest service is to serve in great gratitude for the opportunity towards the highest truth. 

Stay tuned.

In Perfect Harmony, 

Your Partner and Friend in this Fantastic Journey,

Hari Jiwan