Where has the year gone, so swiftly and so dramatically? Shifts in the power structure are on the horizon, and we need to individually set our house in order. The number 8 of this year represents the themes of the Air Element, energy, control, individual and collective power, and most importantly, healing.
The month of December is a time to slow things down a bit, and ask yourself the question, "What in my life needs healing at this time?” Whether it be a relationship, a child, work dynamic, or yourself, take a dedicated time out to create a space of healing. This is important because, Sneak Preview: 2025 starts off like a bullet train down a mountainside. Your well-being will largely be contingent upon your personal equilibrium, and the connection you have to your own Subtle Body.
The Subtle Body is the most powerful of the Ten Light Bodies, as it is above time and space. When our Soul leaves this earthly plane of existence it is carried by the Subtle Body. The number 9 represents the themes of patience, clarity, subtlety, power of suggestion, psychic ability, mastery, and completion. When in the positive polarity the number 9 moves in a smooth, subtle, and sophisticated manner. It has the ability to read the subtle signs and cues within the environments and maneuver accordingly. A strong Subtle Body can save you from a lot of grief. Have you ever had the thought, "Darn, if only I had seen that coming!”
Well, there is a way to stay one step ahead of the game, and that is through the "Meditation for a Meditative Mind.” It will give you a sense of smoothness in your movements through the world and strengthen your Subtle Body through the breath of life. Then you may traverse the time and space of 2025 like a Jedi-dragonfly: smooth, swift, and powerful.
2025 is ruled by the number 9, and 9 is the Fire Element. The ability to keep your cool and adjust the heat within your own body is a strong component of keeping it together next year.
Here are a few health tips. Add the juice of one lemon or lime to a quart of water, along with maple syrup or tupelo honey. So refreshing! Want to be "cool as a cucumber”? Organic cucumber juice will help cool and soothe the system, and you can add a little apple and carrot to balance out the taste.
One of the most important things to remember next year is to not react and behave impulsively. This will only create the potential for a blind-spot of vulnerability. You cannot afford a heavy misstep, as the cadence of 2025 will at times be so swift it can be difficult to regroup in the moment. Also, having the self-sensory awareness of when to be present in the world, and when to take a time-out, is essential for keeping yourself together. Not every drama has your name on it, and having an enhanced skill-set of tact, diplomacy, and grace can be your winning pivot-point out of disaster. Keep it in mind.
Goodness, we're still in December, so let's refocus on that! The Heart number for December is a 9 (Heart is month of 12 + Gift of 6 = 18 = 9), and number 9 can be very sentimental and nostalgic as the Heart number. Allowing yourself time to nestle into a cozy space of reflection and self-soothing memories can be very healing. Favorite movies, music, and classic recipes are all a part of the restorative vibe of December.
A Heart number of 9 can be highly intuitive, and you may find yourself wanting to reach out to someone who you have lost contact with over the years. There is a "positive-reconnect” energy happening, and you just may find yourself stirring-up happy times with a friend of days gone by.
This can be very healing, because as humans we need our "memory roots” to feel grounded and secure within our own mind.
Another aspect of a 9 Heart number is that when it goes negative it can reflect upon the personal injustices it has experienced. Something like, "How could he/she have done me so wrong, and never even have said they were sorry!” You may well be right in your perception of the event, but you do not want to carry it into the new year. What I call "emotional psychic debris” will act as a drag-effect on your vitality, and nobody wants that. Create a ceremony for yourself by writing down on a piece of paper the person's name, and the circumstances of the grievance. Get into all the mucky-yucky details, bad language, sense of betrayal, etc., and vent it all out. Then create for yourself a little ceremony on the 7th, 16th, or 25th, where you burn this piece of paper in a ceremonial fire. You can chant mantras, or crank up "Roar” by Katie Perry as you let the Fire Element clear the wounds of the past.
Cleansing yourself and creating a reset where you gain back your power is a good closing note to this number 8 year of 2024. Use the affirmation, "I have reset my boundaries, and I now only allow that which is healthy, happy, and balanced into my personal space. My Subtle Body reads the field and knows what's real.” This is just about the best health insurance you can have in 2025.
The Mastery number for December is a 3 (Mastery is month of 12, 1+2 = 3), and number 3 is creativity, nurturing energy, the Positive Mind, as well as joy and humor. Dive deep into the happy space of social gatherings, seasonal music, and a prayerful intention for the New Year. Number 3 represents security, and you can affirm for yourself, "I am securely sustained through all unfolding events of time and space. The Angelic realm has my back, and the grace of the Heavens always provides for and protects me.” Say it like you own it, and let the power of your words clear the path before you.
We live in a very unpredictable world these days, influenced by chaotic weather patterns and global unrest in certain key regions. In spite of simmering issues at the perimeter, hold within yourself the posture of a calm resolve as you move into the New Year. Within our collective psyche we have the power to shift the arc of intention towards a more humanitarian outcome.
Enjoy your Holiday season, and we will meet again in the New Year.
Peace to All. Light to All, Love to All.
Would you like to know more?
Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the lines of energy
between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology.
Contact: Nam Hari, 575-305-0017 or [email protected]