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Grief Relief: A Path Through Loneliness and Guilt

Grief is often the loneliest place we can find ourselves. It’s a deeply personal experience, unique to each individual. While others may sympathize with your pain, they cannot fully share it—your grief is uniquely yours. Yet, grief is more than just sorrow; it’s an overwhelming sense of isolation, a deep abyss of separation from the world around you. However, there is a way through it—a path that may surprise you, and though it may seem uncertain at first, it is one that will bring healing despite your doubts.

Instead of confronting grief directly, let us first address loneliness. Loneliness is one of the most profound emotions that can accompany grief, and it’s a common reason why people contemplate despairing actions. The sense of being utterly alone, with no one to truly understand or share your pain, can be overwhelming. Yet, often, it is we who push others away, creating a barrier that isolates us further. But this isolation doesn’t have to be permanent.

Another powerful aspect of grief is guilt. Guilt can make us feel as though we are never enough, as though our actions or inactions have led us to this place of constant sorrow. Grief, when intertwined with guilt, become relentless companions. But ask yourself: Who is it that has placed this burden of grief upon you? The only entity with the right to require such deep reflection and remembrance is God. Yet, even God does not call it guilt—He calls it love. Love for all, beginning with love for ourselves.

Loving yourself is essential because we can only share with others and with ourself what we possess within. If we are filled with guilt, it colors our entire existence. But when we allow God to transform that guilt into love, we begin to see ourselves as worthy of a life free from the chains of guilt, loneliness and grief. Only God can truly share in this experience as deeply as you do, and it is only natural that He provides the remedy as well. By seeking God’s love through service and devotion, we learn to love ourselves. This path not only relieves grief, loneliness and guilt, but also dissolves many other insecurities along the way. It is true spiritual alchemy, the elixir of a purposeful life.

A life lived with true purpose is a life in service to God’s will and is one free from the suffering of these maladies. These obstacles placed in your path can be overcome through God’s grace. Yet, as with all things, there is a cost. The more deeply you serve God’s true direction, the more these insecurities will fade, becoming nothing more than distant memories. While you may still recall the pain when necessary, it will now be under your control.

When the pain of isolation becomes unbearable, one might search for any way out, including paths that lead to further despair. But remember this: keep practicing compassion, and all will be well. Compassion is God’s first command and is His first definition of purpose. The easiest way to follow a compassionate manner is by chanting God’s sacred name with devotion, purpose, and intent. This will draw you closer to God. His attention will guide you, and with it comes the responsibility to fulfill what He asks of you.

One powerful mantra we use is "Wahe Guru.” There are many others. By making His name your identity, by carrying His sacred name with you always, you open the door to transformation. The obstacles that once seemed insurmountable will become manageable, and eventually, they will fade into the background. This process happens all around you, allowing you to relax and align with His will.

Do not fear that too much is being asked of you. In reality, it is just the beginning of who you are destined to become. Some are blessed with visible signs of their spiritual journey, while others walk a quieter path. It is all part of God’s design. By chanting His sacred name, serving with compassion, and radiating God’s love more and more, you fulfill your duty. The rest is in His hands. You have done your part—now, let go and relax into the life you deserve.

Relaxation is the first step toward rising above grief, depression, doubt, fear, and any other challenge that life may bring. Make a conscious effort to embrace it, especially in difficult moments when guilt lingers in your mind. Practice relaxing in God’s sacred name, more and more each day. Remember, with God on your side, nothing is impossible. Stay tuned,

In Perfect Harmony,

Your Partner and Friend on this Fantastic Journey,

Hari Jiwan