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The Idiom that Led to Falafels

Sat Nam Dear Community,

The Idiom That Led to Falafels

Years ago, when the Siri Singh Sahib had recently arrived in America, we had a tradition of going to Westwood for a movie, followed by a falafels at Jason's—a small shack tucked behind a theater. One particular day, we found ourselves at Jason’s, all because of an idiom.

Earlier that afternoon, we were having lunch at our usual spot, La Scala. I asked him, “Sir, what do you do when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” His response took me by surprise. “What do you mean, ‘the wrong side of the bed’?” For Americans, this idiom is second nature. It means waking up feeling cranky or irritable for no obvious reason.

His reply was profound: “Boredom can do that to you easily. Today, let’s stay active so you don’t get bored, you spoiled brat,” he said with a smile. (Well, maybe he didn’t say the last part, but that’s what I took from his answer!) His mention of boredom struck a chord with me. Boredom, as I came to understand, is often a lack of self-discipline.

So, after lunch, off we went to Westwood, where we watched a film. Films were a good way for him to understand the American version idioms more intricately. As we left the theater, he asked, “What should we do next?” Without hesitation, I said, “Let’s go to Jason’s. You love their falafel, and so do I!” The crankiness that had gripped me earlier was long gone. We enjoyed Jason’s falafel marvelously. Those were the days.

A Blessing in Disguise

I forgot to mention that this was also the day that my teacher directed me into a jewelry store and I bought my two daughters seed pearl necklaces, adorned with emeralds and rubies. Looking back, it was as if my teacher was expanding my capacity for protection. He guided me, giving me space to breathe and pursue the Guru’s way. I was blessed with his kindness and wisdom.

Why was I so fortunate to have this relationship? It wasn’t by chance. I had been studying various spiritual practices for years, searching for a teacher. I understood the process: to truly serve a teacher, you must give them what they want, not what you want. That’s the essence of spiritual growth.

I had already been reading the Siri Singh Sahib’s teachings and practicing Kundalini Yoga on my own for some time. When I committed to his teachings, I attended a course in Pomona and soon moved to Los Angeles where he resided. I secured a job and moved into the Guru Arjan Dev Ashram where my life took on a steady rhythm of sadhana, Gurdwara, work, service and classes.

Becoming His Driver

Shortly after arriving in L.A., I received a call from his resident secretary Sat Simran. “Hari Jiwan, the SSS’s driver to the Rotary Club isn’t available today. Can you drive him?” I agreed without hesitation.

The Rotary Club is a significant institution in India, attracting leaders from all sectors of society . It was new to me, and I was struck by the cultural differences. At times, people would spontaneously shout out their opinions, and others would respectfully allow it. Over time, I grew to appreciate these meetings, as they were part of our world. There were always fabulous speakers from all facets of society sharing there wisdom.

Apparently, he liked how I drove because I became his permanent driver. Every day we spent time together—sometimes alone, sometimes with others. His presence was a continuous source of grace, compassion and wisdom. For me, he embodied the teachings he shared. I watched him handle even his fiercest critics with dignity and grace. His example continues to sustain me, even now.

The Power of Guru Ram Das

He taught me how to rely on Guru Ram Das, to surrender fear, jealousy, hatred and any insecurity. Through his example, I saw what was possible. I practiced it and became it. This journey is available to all, though few take it seriously. Faith in Guru Ram Das requires courage, but with that faith comes the ability to rise above fear. True faith, belief in the Guru’s will, overcomes all insecurities.

Some may say I’ve been brainwashed, gaslighted, or that I belong to a cult. To them, I say, “Guilty as charged.” I couldn’t be more grateful. My path has led me to a life of happiness and contentment, under the guidance of God and Guru ji. Isn’t happiness the ultimate goal? For me, it has been and continues to be deeper and deeper. 

  Finding Your Path

Please don’t misunderstand me—my experience is not the only way. But it works for me, and I hope your path works for you. Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma have been a divine marriage for me, delivering exactly what I sought. When Kundalini Yoga is practiced in service to God, it becomes a powerful aid in achieving one’s highest desires. When it’s misused, it can lead to destruction. My advice: Keep divinity at the heart of your practice. God’s help is priceless.

Idioms Concluded

Yes, we’ve come a long way from simple idioms, but it’s fascinating how these phrases can unveil profound truths. For a servant of God, divinely inspired, even the simplest idiom can become a powerful tool for transformation. All it takes is the determination to offer your Kundalini Yoga practice in service to God and the willingness to surrender completely to His will. Along the way, countless blessings will unfold. Remember, there’s no need to rush—slow and steady truly wins the race. With unwavering faith, belief, God’s help is always within reach.

Without God as your guide, all other endeavors fall short. Serving Him is serving ALL of His creation. Age, physical condition—none of it matters. What matters is your love for God, expressed through selfless service. That’s all He asks of us. It’s not about how we start in life or the specific trials we face. What truly matters is how we live and how we end this journey—if it’s in devotion and service, God will surely take notice.

As Sikhs, we are blessed with the Guru, a living example of God’s will in motion. Kundalini Yoga offers us a path to align ever more closely with this sacred lineage. It nurtures faith, which blossoms into belief, and belief into joy, happiness, and contentment. This practice opens our intuition to receive God’s blessings directly. When used with intention, Kundalini Yoga holds every tool we need for this sacred journey into divine approval. What a blessing this is. Our teachings are the foundation of our path toward Totality.

Even the simple idiom I climbed out of bed with provided another rich lesson. Lunch at La Scalia, a trip to the movies, gifts for my beloved daughters, spending a glorious day with my teacher once again, and of course, Jason’s made for a remarkable day. Who would have thought idioms could offer so much?

Stay tuned,

In Perfect Harmony,

Your Partner and Friend on this Fantastic Journey,

Hari Jiwan