The month of January 2025 starts off with a spark in its heels and a spring in its step. There is an enhanced ability to dream and envision a new pathway forward, and we must catch this new wave of inspiration and use it to align ourselves with a higher calling.
The overall number for 2025 is a 9, and in the positive polarity, 9 is focused, clear, refined, and has a laser-like ability to read between the lines and pick up on the subtle cues and signals.
Nine is also the Subtle Body, and with a strong Subtle Body we can masterfully navigate the environments around us. We are in tune with our own higher instinct, as well as having a sensitivity to the divine whisperings of information now available. Almost like hearing a familiar song, where after the beginning chords we already know how the song will end.
The number 9 also has a relationship to timing and precision. Many high-caliber dancers, musicians, actors, and even comedians will have a well-placed 9 somewhere in their charts. They have a sophisticated sense of timing and delivery, and having this edge is what can make all the difference in the world in their ability to rise to the next level.
We will be seeing many breakthroughs in the area of medicine this year, as well as new information on a few previous misconceptions of treatment modalities. This may sound odd, but if you reflect back, it was actually not that long ago that doctors used to bleed people to improve their health. Now bleeding people is not such a good idea.
The number 1 of January has an initiative spirit to it, and this is good news as many of us needed a time-out in December of last year. A unique sort of road-weariness was prevalent at that time, and we have now rounded the corner into a new frontier. There are new opportunities for the brave at heart, and we are certainly among those people!
Contained in the number 9 is the frequency of the higher calling, which simply said is an inner stirring of higher intention and vision. It doesn't all need to make sense in the linear, few great visions often do, but it does make perfect sense in the awakening of your Soul's purpose. Lean into trusting your instincts, and clarifying them to a pinpoint of light projected into the future. Nine in the positive polarity represents patience, and patience, steadiness, and the ability to pause when necessary are all virtues of 2025. As the numbers have a negative polarity as well, we will need to be keenly aware of people, vehicles, and information that is moving at too fast a pace. One of the most important things to be aware of this year is, "Do not cater to someone else's imbalance.” It will only throw you off balance, and that could be costly on more than one level. Your personal equilibrium is your most precious commodity, so do not sacrifice or risk it for any reason.
Number 9 represents the themes of fantasy and illusion, and one developing issue is the use of AI (artificial intelligence). It has now become so finely tuned that the image of a person, let's say a famous person, can be replicated to a stunning exactness. In the wrong hands this can be quite dangerous because even if a false news story is later corrected, the damage has already been done.
This type of character assassination will be occurring throughout the year, and our only in-line to the truth will be to develop a strong enough Subtle Body to sort out the misinformation. Have you ever had the thought, "Wait a minute, there's something just not quite right about that story”? Of course you have, because it is a combination of the Subtle Body and Negative Mind working together to protect and guide you. Do not jump to conclusions about anything this year, as the number 9 also represents stealth and cunning. There are forces at play that would like to manipulate the collective psyche, and not always for the most honorable reasons.
Your success and enjoyment of 2025 depends almost entirely on your ability to keep your focus regardless of the "energy surges” occurring around you. Nine is the Fire Element, with a cross- over to the Ether Element, because it is the Subtle Body. Focusing on the fire, things will be heating up on the planet at a spectacular level. This will be through physical heat, as well as flashes of emotional intensity. If there is one word to define the number 9 in its utmost intensity, it would certainly be "fierce.”
This fierceness at times will be like an emotional tsunami, and you cannot go toe-to-toe with that kind of force. The sensitivity of your own Subtle Body can save you, like the birds of nature who begin moving away from the shoreline before the wave arrives.
If you would like to see an absolutely brilliant film that so exquisitely depicts one woman's relationship to developing her Subtle Body strength under extraordinary circumstances, watch the 2016 film "Arrival.” Amy Adams must learn to swiftly navigate a rapidly changing environment where everything is on the line. It cannot all be done through a linear mindset, and she is able to adapt and respond at every twist and turn of unfolding events.
There is really something quite inspirational to learn here, and there is also a powerful message for the female psyche woven into the storyline.
Circling back to the word fierce, it is important to know that fierceness can have a very positive side to its expression. Legendary martial artist Bruce Lee, born Nov. 27, 1940, was a 9 Soul number (2+7 = 9). He developed his skills with an absolute intensity of focus and fierceness. In his 1972 film "Fists of Fury” the camera captures him delivering 9 punches in less than 2 seconds to an opponent. They actually had to slow down the film speed, because in the 70's the camera technology was not developed enough to distinctly see the punches. There is an element of magic and mystery in the number 9, and that magic is available to those who choose to develop their Subtle Body strength.
If you would like to further enhance your beginning to the New Year, you can’t go wrong with the Ganpanti Kriya. It is said to shift misfortune into good luck, and it creates a bright eye to the future. Link: Meditation Link
We have a pocket full of good initiation dates this month, and they are the 8th, 10th, 17th, 19th, 26th, and 28th. There is an aspect of prosperity and forward momentum on these dates that will put wind in the sails of any new venture. Things will best start with a spark of magic, so create a vortex of energy with your favorite mantra, crystals, salt glow lamp, or whatever connects you to the mystical energies.
An element of faith is necessary in these times, otherwise it can be tough going on your own. Having a spiritual ally is often beneficial in this, and your choice is a very personal one. Something I saw just a few weeks ago while driving down the highway was a billboard depicting Jesus standing on a pathway leading towards sunshine and extending his hand out towards me. He had a friendly, comforting expression on his face. The caption beneath him read, "Come with me, I've got your baggage.”
This is so enormously powerful on so many levels. Imagine an ethereal figure extending their hand to you, and they're also capable of doing the heavy lifting. We need this kind of support in 2025. I would suggest writing this caption down on a piece of paper and placing it beneath your
favorite Saint, Guru, or Guardian Angel on your altar. Lean into this presence and power, and know that you don't have to do all the heavy lifting.
May the protected path be made known to you, and may the guiding star of your own good fortune shine so brightly that others may find their way as well.
Would you like to know more?
Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the lines of energy between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology.
Contact: Nam Hari 575-305-0017 or [email protected]