The field is changing beneath our feet, and we are now stepping into a bold new dynamic on planet Earth. The United States 2024 election is a tipping point for the direction of many new avenues of energy that will be unfolding across the world. Some good, some not so good. It will be upon us individually and collectively to chart a course that will yield the best possible pathway to security and stability, in an entirely unstable world.
November is a number 11 month, and 11 in the positive polarity represents the themes of divine alignment, light and truth, harmony and balance. However, when it goes negative it can behave like a double-negative 2, bringing conflict, duality, and chaos. There is something in the world of child-rearing called “the terrible two’s!” Translated, this means that at 2 years of age the kid turns into a little tornado, storming around and proclaiming, “No! No I don’t want that, and I’m not gonna do what you say!”
The U.S. election is going to be a sh*t-show no matter who wins, because no one is going quietly. Have your house in order so you can sustain yourself in case of social unrest, and pray for peace on the planet. This too shall pass—- it always does, and arranging for your comfort, safety and security is the best way of maintaining yourself during this transition time.
Number 11 has to do with alliances, by determining who you can trust, and to what degree. Sneak Preview: 2025 holds a frequency that requires us to have a laser-sharp ability in discerning the security of our environments, and who we can and cannot rely upon. I know this all sounds a bit heavy, but hey, have you ever had the experience in your life of saying to someone, “You of all people, I just can’t believe it!” Sorting out now your “rock solid” friends and family from your “speculative even on a good day” folks is essential at this time.
Okay, let's try and take all this a notch higher! Number 11 represents electrical energy, and our physical body is in part run on a unique type of electrical current. If the current gets too strong we can literally feel it in our brain, and it’s not always a good feeling. What can help tremendously is consuming natural oils, such as flax seed, almond, or sesame oil. Adding one or two tablespoons of these oils to a blender drink or on toast or steamed veggies has a soothing effect on the nerves. We need these natural raw oils now, as our brain and nervous system will need extra insulation so we don’t literally burnout.
Sometimes it is good to learn from the world around us. Last month we witnessed the tragic death of Liam Payne, member of the disbanded chart toppers One Direction. Liam was 31 years old, had 50 million dollars in the bank, had a hot-as-a-pistol girlfriend, and still wasn’t happy. Something called “Pink Cocaine” was found in his bloodstream at the time of death. This is actually not cocaine, but a random composite of other deadly drugs.
If we cannot learn from this, we cannot learn anything. Why would a handsome, talented, set-for-life young man wind up dead on the ground? Because there was not a consistent connection to a higher power that could lift him up in times of despair. Sound familiar?
Establishing within yourself a relationship with the One who will never leave you, the One who is always there, the place where the light is always left on for you; that’s the way home.
Number 11 represents the sound current of Infinity, and our ability to merge into this divine jet stream in times of duality or distress. I am going to pick something very easy for this month, because we all need a break right now! You can’t go wrong with the “Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar” mantra. Link here. It is called the “Magic Mantra” in the science of Kundalini yoga, and it brings an immediate grace and blessing to your life. Chant this mantra for 7 to 11 minutes a day, and begin to feel the positive shift in your world. As a closing note, my all time favorite motto is, “When in doubt, go higher.”
I would now like to give a shout-out to all the good people who traveled from far and wide to help those affected by hurricane Helene. They were boots-on-the-ground ready to respond within two days of the storm passing. Much of the help came from different Christian ministries from as far as five state lines away. These people where determined, organized, and had a common bond of spirit grounded in their belief system. They had each other’s back.
Let me tell you something folks, in times of crisis or unrest there is almost nothing more powerful than the declaration, “Hey, don’t worry; I’ve got your back.”
Number 11 is alignment, and now is the time to seek out your tribe, your people. Whether this is through your church, your buddies at the gym, your friends at the co-op, a cycling club, a knitting circle, or your Saturday morning coffee klatch cadre, get aligned with others who speak your language. We need this kind of connectivity to nurture and sustain ourselves, and it is a safe-guard against having a “bad-bounce” moment where you could be vulnerable to self-harm. Alright, let’s try to move past all the heavy stuff for a bit.
At this point you’re probably asking the question, “Hey, Nam Hari, where’s the movie?” Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! You might think that I would choose some pie-in-the-sky fluffy pixie dust movie in this 11 month, but no, I’m going for the rambunctious and rowdy end of the spectrum!
The 1991 film “The Commitments” is a Master Class in how alignment can create a near miracle, and how falling out of alignment can make you lose it all. Jimmy, a focused and determined young man decides he’s going to put together a music band that will play 1960’s and 70’s Soul music in Dublin, Ireland. Yes, really. He gathers together a group of budding talent and misfits, all with the vision of breaking through into the big-time music industry. In spite of wildly veering off course at times, Jimmy manages to inspire the lot to keep it together for the mutual success of all. Because of their unified projective psyche they do break through, until one fate- filled night when they fall out of alignment. So close, yet so far.
It takes sacrifice, adjustments, and vision to work well with others towards a common goal. It can also take just one slip-up to lose it all.
At this time of conflict and duality on the planet, Number 1 lesson: stay in alignment with your higher self and divine source energy. Don’t go for the bait or the allure of the short-cut method. Be aware, and beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Get your self-sovereignty game on, and develop a spiritual practice that puts you in alignment with the sweetest and most cozy sense of harmony within yourself. We will never have peace on Earth till there is peace in the heart and home.
May the light of the Heavens gift you with an elevated presence in the world, and may this presence bring a hope and clarity to all along your path. Peace to all, Light to all, Love to all.
Would you like to know more?
Contact: Nam Hari 575-305-0017 or [email protected]