When God wants to bless His beloved student with perpetual devotion, He bathes him in a "pool of truth." It is in truth that God’s love and the student’s devotion resides along side one another. They are complimentary to one another. And, it’s best to remember that you can’t fool Mother Nature. God’s love is bestowed on His beloved student is in direct proportion to the real devotion displayed in and by the student. And, God’s the only judge. The student’s opinion means nothing unless it’s to love God more. God’s love is an Infinite mirror.
Pretending to be perpetually devotional and genuinely embodying devotion are two very different experiences. The adage “Fake it till you make it” holds wisdom; however, transformation is only authentic when accompanied by a sincere shift in projection and intention towards perpetual devotion. While God’s grace is boundless and He can do anything, we must focus on our part—our work here on Earth. Perpetual devotion is never something to be captured or manufactured by man; it can only be bestowed as a gift from our Guru, our God. This is the Sikh way.
In Sikhism, we recognize that the living embodiment of truth is seen in our Gurumukhs. In the West, such blessed people might be called saints. Gurumukhs represent the purity of living in alignment with the teachings of our Guru. They are the guiding lights, the examples of the truth under which we strive to live.
As Sikhs, we aspire, project, surrender, and dedicate ourselves to practicing perpetual devotion through mentally immersing ourselves again and again in the ‘bath of truth.’ Over time, truth becomes automatic. It requires no further deliberation, no anxiety, no struggle—only the profound relaxation found in living within this pool.
This path is not about claiming superiority. Sikhism is not “the best” for everyone; it is the best for those drawn to it. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and other paths are equally perfect for their followers. I speak here only of the Sikh experience, as that is my personal journey.
Tolerance, patience, forgiveness, understanding, confidence, compassion, and obedience are the virtues that allow us to "bathe in a pool of truth." For Sikhs, these virtues form the foundation of our lives. They are our base, our standard, our devotion, and our truth.
Someone once asked me, “You speak of all these virtues, but aren’t Sikhs warriors, not lovers?”
I responded, “What’s wrong with being both a lover and a warrior? Sikhs are indeed both. We are always prepared to defend truth, but we will only engage in battle as a last resort. A Sikh understands that everything is under God’s direction. God makes no mistakes. While we may error through misunderstanding, rest assured, God remains in charge of ALL.”
Our duty as Sikhs is to love and defend the "pool of truth," the Guru’s truth. We are rewarded for our disciplined obedience to this standards set by the Shabds. These sacred hymns embody the essence of our teachings. They are our standard, not our dreams. The Guru’s Shabd is God’s unstruck music brought to life. Please, don’t believe me. Go and experience it for yourself. The beauty is that it’s available to ALL.
Singing the Shabds transforms us, guiding us toward the virtues of the Guru. Shabd’s carry blessings on many levels, from the vibrational power of the sound current to the intuitive understanding they impart. They are nothing short of magical—and I use that term with the utmost reverence.
The Guru’s Shabd’s contain everything one needs to walk the path of a good Sikh. They change your inner memory, replacing old patterns with new thoughts, speech, and actions. As this transformation takes hold, life becomes a different existence—one of profound relaxation. And here lies the best news: the "pool of truth" resides within the Guru’s Shabds. Even better, once again, they are available to ALL.
So, next time you pray for anything and everything, include God’s Grace in of bathing you in the "pool of truth." It’s a great prayer, it turns the student’s love of the divine into perpetual devotion, perpetual happiness. Stay tuned,
In Perfect Harmony,
Your Partner and Friend in this Fantastic Journey,
In His Mercy, Hari Jiwan