Every Tuesday the Farm Stand opens at 12 noon and for the next two hours 30-40 excited people wait with masks on to pick up their freshly harvested vegetables. Most of them order on Khalsa Family Farms online store, and some just drop by to purchase whatever vegetables are displayed at the Farm Stand.
Most of the produce buyers are from the ashram, however gradually the word is getting out, and our Sombrillo and Walnut Circle neighbors are also purchasing the fresh harvested vegetables from us.
A group of 5-10 Los Alamos families have taken turns to drive down to the Farm every Tuesday to pick up their orders. They even have a Facebook private page to coordinate pickup and share information.
Recently we have expanded our Farmers Market participation from Saturdays in Santa Fe to also Thursdays in Los Alamos. And now our friends in Los Alamos can pickup their online ordered vegetables at our Los Alamos Market Stand.
The best part of this story is that the Farm Stand orders and Farmers Market sales allow us to donate produce to service projects in the Española Valley who then distribute the food. Today - August 18 - we donated 100 pounds of vegetables to Barrios Unidos (a community and family approach to addiction recovery) and to Breath of my Heart ( a prenatal and family support center).
Currently we are able to we donate 10% of our produce to feed local people who otherwise might not have assess to fresh vegetables.
Thank you for purchasing Khalsa Family Farms vegetables so we can reach out into the wider community and support food security to others.
Visit us www.KhalsaFamilyFarms.com
Tarn Tarn Khalsa