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September Numerology Forecast

The month of September is a breakthrough month, a time of new beginnings and a fresh start.

It’s been quite a summer, filled with big changes and upheaval, and now is the time to steady the course and move forward again. The winds of fortune have shifted, granting us a level of real energetic currency to work with, so let’s leverage it to our best advantage.

Number 9 represents the themes of mastery, completion, precision, the Subtle Body, and our ability to tune into the messages that are just behind the veil. Hmm, what does that mean? When in the positive polarity number 9 has the ability to read between the lines, and pick up on the unspoken as well as the spoken communication. It is the subtle indicators that often reveal someone’s true intention, and not just the words they speak. We need to develop within ourselves the ability to sense the true intention of another person, without being distracted by the sleight- of-hand slick delivery they may be packaging everything in.

We all have a certain amount of intuitive insight, and the number 9 calls us forward to develop this insight into a laser beam of clarity. This is your secret weapon against being taken advantage of or fooled in any way. We’ll explore a technique for that in a little bit.

We’ve got a pocket full of good days in September, and the highlight dates are the 2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, 20th, 21st, 29th, and 30th. The 11th is a particularly good marriage date. These dates are charged with a creativity and connectivity that fosters success and good fortune. Dial in something new on one of these days!

The number 9 represents female energy, and women are going to be feeling very united and motivated to rise up and proclaim, “I have sovereignty over my physical body, and I choose what is best for me.” This will be a unifying force unlike anything we’ve seen in recent times.

Number 9 represents completion, and our ability to let go of that which no longer serves our higher interests. This could be a bad habit, or a self-concept that is belittling in some way. For example, maybe you order in a big cheese pizza every Friday night as a reward for getting through a tough week. Ahh, the gooey golden cheesiness of it all! And of course, a nice big sugary caffeinated soda to slosh it all down with. What could be better than that?

Well, it’s all great until the next morning when you can’t get out of bed till 10:00, and you missed the morning hike with a friend. Creativity is the answer to everything, and there’s still a way to treat yourself and feel special. Just go to the frozen food aisle of your health food market, and purvey the assortment of pizzas that have an almond flour crust. Consider as well the many cheese topping alternatives. The company chefs have created a near art-form of healthy choices to savor. Now you can be in pizza heaven without sinking your digestive system into the deep end of the pool. Also, get a nice bubbly spritzer soda, without the caffeine. Mmm, Friday night healthy indulgence!

Nine is the number of “Mastery over Mystery,” and when we are consciously connected with our Subtle Body we have an edge over what may be brewing at the perimeter. Nearly everyone has had the experience of, “Whoa, I didn’t see that coming!” By the way, this can be something positive as well. Having a gentle awareness of yourself, and what you are sensing in the environments is the way to get a lead on things. The number 9 embodies what I call “The Three Sisters,” meaning Smooth, Subtle, and Sophisticated. When you carry yourself with an air of subtlety and sophistication it creates a smoothness in the environments which is sensed by those around you. This helps to bring the temperature down in regards to people’s personal emotional space. It can be a subtle tipping point in the outcome of communication, and contribute towards a greater sense of ease all around.

September is a good time to become very, very clear about what is and isn’t working in your life. Sometimes we miss the wave of good fortune because there is so much clutter in our lives. The clutter can be on a physical, mental, or emotional level, and it can occupy the territory that is meant for the new, bold and brilliant. Take a moment early in the month and ask yourself the question, “Okay, where is the clutter, and where is the block that is hindering the flow of the new, bold and brilliant in my life?” You might be surprised at the answer, as it could have to do with a relationship dynamic. Bad relationship energy can take up a lot of space, and the internal static it creates will diminish your ability to attract and recognize the new. If you’re pulling a cart filled with broke-down and half-working appliances, where’s the room for the spiffy new blender you want? Especially the one that has the Puree-Magic button!

Consciously clear and create space throughout the month, and affirm for yourself, “I am done with compensating for others. You need to pull your own weight if you want to roll with me!” Speaking this out loud helps to set a frequency in the new wave of energy manifesting on the planet at this time.

Would you like to know a technique to immunize yourself against making the same bad decisions again and again? You know, the codependent patterns of the past that got you nowhere and left with nothing?

Of course you’d like to know a way forward to your bright and shining self! And it exists in the practice of the “Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body.” Link: kriya/kriya-to-clarify-the-subtle-body/.* This meditation strengthens both the Subtle Body and the Arc Line, thereby giving you the ability to receive the subtle intuitive messages available to you through the matrix of the collective psyche. Wow, that’s powerful stuff, and a definite game- changer for your well-being and prosperity.

Many years ago, I remember going to the storefront office of my car insurance company. While sitting at the front desk waiting for someone to appear, I noticed a little index card on the side of the computer which read, “If you do what you always do, you’ll get what you always get.” This really moved me at the moment, because I was feeling very stuck in my life at that point. There was a lot of internal blame-throwing going on in my mind, and everything was somebody else’s fault. After reading that note my higher-self stepped in and said, “Goodness girl, since when did you give all your power away?” I then started making small incremental shifts in my life, and three months later I was living in an entirely different world.

We are in a number 8 year on planet Earth, and it’s all about power, health, and healing. Also, releasing the grief from the past. Grief is connected to the lungs, which the number 8 also represents. You need to personally power-up in some way, or the grief will eat you alive. We are witnessing this on a national level through the rise in drug addiction, and the loss of our youth. Reset--Regroup--Regenerate, as this is your way out and up. Leave the ghosts of the past behind and let go of the negative enchantment of the lingering whispers that hold you hostage to your fears. It’s game time, so get your Olympic spirit on and play to win for your personal best.

May the guiding star of your good fortune shine an invincible light on the path before you, and may your intuition hold you dearly to this precious path. You are worthy of the victory.

*Editor's Note: This video gives a good example of the "Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body" >

Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the lines of energy between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology.

Contact: Nam Hari 575-305-0017 or [email protected]