We've all waited a long time for solid, fast Internet here in our community. Well, Starlink is finally here. I've written about it here previously. For more check out this Wikipedia article.
Like everyone else living here, I have felt the dearth of solid broadband Internet over many years. Dropped calls. Buffering video. 404 website errors, looooong web page load times, poor Zoom calls with frozen video and stuttering audio... we've all experienced these things.
A few years ago, I switched away from Firefox, even though it had the best browser extensions (add-ons,) to Chrome browser because it was the fastest browser available at the time. It was painful to give up the extensions I loved, but the speed of Chrome browser was undeniable. So I imported all my bookmarks and passwords into Chrome and made the switch.
Food-for-Kids is a volunteer program coordinated by Guru Simran Kaur that serves hungry children in and around the Española, New Mexico area. Read more >
Hearts and Hands
Hearts and Hands is here for you. Whether you need help or want to help others, we are available. See new section "In Memoriam". Visit our website >
View live video from our Gurdwara every Sunday from 11:00am to about 12:30pm, MST and a weekly reading of the Akhand Path from Wednesday through Saturday. Akhand Path dedications are available here >