There are ladders and steps, Moguls and Mongols (metaphorically), all sorts of challenges on the path of ascendance. There are also great rewards. One or the other usually stops us, stops us from ascending further. Consciously or unconsciously, we reached our limit. All of us learn to live within these limitations.
Community Articles
Cutting, copying, and pasting seems like such a simple process, having been a core feature of Windows and Windows applications for years. But there are some tricks, techniques, and tools you can use to ease and enhance the process.
editing, copy, paste, tips toolsI laugh when others judge another’s spirituality. "Oh, he’s not really spiritual. He fakes it." Well, fake it til you make it. "She’s just diluting herself. She’s following her own course." Well, what if her course matches up with Infinity? Nothing’s right or wrong, thinking makes it so.
By Richard Ian Greene
As I left the Sunday Gurdwara service, Yogi Bhajan and a number from the Darbar accompanied me to my car (an old Subaru with tinted glass). The car was parked near the west entry to the Gurdwara. Yogi Bhajan asked what was in the back of my car. I said, “Nothing important, Sir.” Yogi Bhajan laughed and instructed security to search my car.
The secret to spirituality is to not be worthy of God’s blessings, but to be willing to be a blank canvas on which God can paint His masterpiece. This is a wide open secret because the secret is in the experience surrendering your opinions, judgements, ego to God’s paintbrush - period!
I am experiencing so much gratitude for the Miracle of this Path and the Power of Love. For me they are my saving grace. And for me the best part is that this opportunity is open to all! I wanted to share a story that came to me that illustrates this miracle.
There wasn’t much you could do for the flu a century or so ago. One of the few things you could do was to go to your local chemist, drugstore, as they were called back then, and ask for a bottle of Laudanum which was just tinctured opium.
iOS 14 tips and tricks – How to add iPhone home screen widgets and take screenshots using ‘back tap’
APPLE released a major update for iPhones and iPads last week, adding a ton of new tricks and features to try out.
The home screen has been overhauled, while a new tool lets you perform actions by tapping the back of your mobile - here are some tips on everything new.
I hear it said everywhere, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.’ Well, this is right and wrong at the same time. Through one window, science, it’s right; through the window of the arts, it’s wrong. Please, let me explain.
By Prabhu Singh
*Note: I am expressing only my opinion here, this does not represent anyone in any official capacity.
Beloved Sadh Sangat,
As a son, a brother, and a father in and of this community, I wish to share some thoughts today. I have made it my life's mission to support this sangat and to support our growth and nurturance as a mother ashram founded in the name of Guru Ram Das. I truly love this community with all my heart and the people here and what we've built in the Guru's name.