Microsoft has come along with some helper apps that are in various stages of development.
Articles about "computer"

Now that Zoom, Skype and other services have taken over our daily lives as we know it – many are wondering how to look as good on the internet as you do in person. That means figuring out how to flatter your face on everyone's laptop screens
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Sat Nam! With our reduced opportunities to connect with each other physically in the age of COVID-19, it's easier than ever to feel isolated. Making connections with each other now is more important than ever.
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By Guruka Singh
Are you one of those computer users who has LOTS of files, shortcuts and links on your desktop? Our Windows desktops are much like an actual physical desktop — we have them organized just the way we like things.
Some of us like a clean desktop with all folder and application icons placed neatly in the Start menu and taskbar. Some of us prefer to spread things out across the desktop, organized in a way only we can understand.

Ever clicked on that little shopping bag icon on your Windows 10 taskbar? Microsoft has come along way with some Windows helper apps that are in various stages of development. Many are released broadly for Windows 10 while others are currently being tested by those of us who participate in the Windows Insider Preview program.